NextTuesday - Firmware Upgrade Guide

Upgrade procedure

Things you will need


  1. Download and unzip the firmware.
  2. Connect the NextTuesday to the power rail of your eurorack but keep it powered off.
  3. Connect the NextTuesday with a USB micro cable to your pc.
  4. While pressing the little yellow button on the back of the NextTuesday, power up your eurorack.
  5. The NextTuesday will appear as a drive on your PC.
  6. Let go of the little yellow button.
  7. Copy the firmware .uf2 file to the NextTuesday drive
  8. The NextTuesday will automatically restart after the copy is done and it will blink its LEDs.
  9. Power down your eurorack system.
  10. Disconnect the USB cable.
  11. You are done!
  12. Screw the NextTuesday back in to your system.
