Hello World!
Tonight we will start Twittering like crazy to get the engines going. The stars are out over Amsterdam, spring is in the air and it is a good day for a launch!
On This Is Not Rocket Science you can already find descriptions of several projects we have already started; the Goldfish synthesizer, a design for a prototyping board, how to make a PCB CNC mill with Makeblock and our first crack at an FPGA board. We will be adding more as time goes by and we and The Lab progress. If you have any hints or questions, please sing to us on Twitter @rocket_not .
Our first mission will be a trip to Shenzhen, China – where all things are made. Our bags are packed to fly out in two days. We are curious to see how hard or easy it is to go from inspiration to reality in this environment. We are planning to go to the Shenzhen Maker Faire, meet the guys from the Dangerous Prototypes Hackercamp, visit MakeBlock and talk to Seeed Studio among many other things.
We are undertaking this trip without the burden of funding and will be updating you often and at impromptu times.