Machina Bristronica
We are coming to Bristol for Machina Bristronica – which just keeps growing! This promises to be an epic edition with so many builders of beep, concerts, an entire Divkid stage and much DIY. More info here. Hope to see you there!
We are coming to Bristol for Machina Bristronica – which just keeps growing! This promises to be an epic edition with so many builders of beep, concerts, an entire Divkid stage and much DIY. More info here. Hope to see you there!
It has been a while and again a lot is happening: Superbooth! We had a wonderful time with Making Sound Machines, Knobula, Vaski, Error Instruments, Apollo View and Swampflux in our beach tent No.4 – ending each day in a jam party! There was such a lovely festival vibe to Read more…
Things that compute, beep and blink need to be properly recycled at the end of their life. The WEEE makes sure that we finish what we started. What is WEEE Do you make or sell ANYTHING that has electronics in it in any EU country? Then you too should be Read more…
Since our last blog boxes of led-button switches have arrived. As well as the necessary quantity of our signature yellow leds (with separate standoffs that SOMEONE is going to have to slide onto the LED legs), and the little screens that we use for our scope (IPS 240*240 LCD screens, Read more…
Last Christmas we released a FREE voice pack filled with happy sounds – inspired by BOOM festival. Now that everybody is staying at home, various people are trying to support each other by pointing out FREE stuff to make music with and Gearnews picked up on our voicepack and wrote Read more…
It has been quite a while since I had a chance to work on the tool – I have been too busy validating the output and playing with the microgameboy, but finally I’ve had the time to incorporate some bugfixes. The biggest one on the list has been the import Read more…
The recent paneling experiment resulted in a nice new addition to our prototyping toolbox: the yellow panel. The yellow panel contains: Wolfsom SMT microphone breakout with small amplifier QFN24-to-dip adapter Freescale K20 TFT backpack (enhanced Teensy3.1 without the bootloaderchip) Freescale KL02Z DIP breakout with microphone USB-testpoint board in USBstick form Read more…
DirtyPCB seems to be the first small-prototyping-service that allows you to build panels with breaktabs. I had to try this! Soon after this thought I stumbled upon the great question of “how” – here I had all these folders full of gerberfiles for boards.. but the tools to panelize them Read more…
I like decorating PCBs. After I’ve spent ages designing and routing a schematic, I want it to look nice. Sadly – this is very badly supported by most CAD software dealing with circuit boards. Some vector art import tools exist, but they are all very far removed from an ideal Read more…
After some major drama in the workshop (leakages, iron dust cloud, broken floor, rainwater coming in, etc) I finally have some time to share a few progress pictures. First and foremost: IT WORKS! The Goldfish R4 UI board can be used as a stand alone USB-MIDI controller! I had to Read more…